Pregnancy: Almost halfway through!

WOW this pregnancy is going fast! It seems like yesterday I told Greg that we were expecting. Here are a few things that I have learned during this experience...
1. I have NO energy! Growing a baby inside of you really takes it out of you. I am really hoping I get a spurt of motivational energy, but I doubt it will happen in the next, oh, 18 years :)
2. I don't know what morning sickness feels like because I was one of the lucky ones who did not experience it. I truly feel for those women who have to deal with it... don't hate me!
3. Deciding on a name was a little easier than I thought. Greg and I are so different, but we actually already know what our girl and boy names will be. Don't try to pry it out of us though -- we are keeping it a secret!
4. I am not sure if I am one of those "touch my belly" kind of pregnant women. I am proud to bear my bump (especially since I couldn't even hide it if I wanted to), but I am not real anxious for people who are not related to me to start rubbing my belly. I mean, I don't do that to guys with beer guts. It is just a little weird. It suprises me that I feel this way. Maybe my feelings will change once I am little bigger and the baby is moving like mad-crazy.
5. I am an emotional rollercoaster. No, not rollercoaster... Amusement park! Wednesday night I was crying. And I don't mean a few tears, I mean I had to keep a roll of toilet paper by my bed so I could constantly wipe my eyes and blow my nose. The pathetic thing was that I could not pinpoint what was wrong!!! It was just a combination of EVERYTHING throughout my day. I finally decided to go on a looong walk around campus. It was just me and God. Afterall, He understands it all. Jeremy Camp says so....( Then the next night I was laughing so hard and could NOT stop! It was crazy. I was so hyper and happy, I'm sure Greg thought I was nuts! Last night, I was subdued, lazy and slept on the couch from about 6:30 to 8:30. Who knows what I'll be like tonight? Maybe it is a cycle -- crying, laughing, sleepy...crying, laughing, sleepy.... Who knows?!

It is amazing how much your body goes through mentally, physically, Spiritually, and emotionally when you are pregnant. It is unlike anything I have experienced yet! (Well, until labor that is.... yikes! : /

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